We are a company dedicated to information security. We design, develop and implement totally secure software to protect your company. Our team is fully trained to implement or advise cryptography and steganography for the protection of those confidential corporate files and communications.
What we offer?
Development of safe environments
File protection and backup
Data steganography
Security of physical and virtual or cloud units
Secure communications point to point
Daily attacks on different platforms
Malicious Software
Every day the risk of becoming a victim of a cyber attack increases, which is why it is important not only companies but also common users to equip themselves with the right tools to prevent any attack that could economically harm them.
Company story
For us it is vital to keep our community informed about the value of safeguarding files and personal data. Our mission is to offer tools against any attempted theft and that is why we have the best and only technology able to protect and keep all your files and comunications safe and hidden from third parties.
Our beginnings were with the rise of the digital age. Since its inception we realized that everything physical would be transformed into digital (data, business, books, education and many other things) that would move to a more fragile environment to protect than the physical. Now, the ways of stealing information, data or any digital file every day are being innovated since there is a type of community called “hackers” that take care of it. Our mission is to promote the protection of data, with high quality software that truly is a shield for that confidential information. Our products guarantee the safety they promote, they are an unbreakable room that does not allow unwanted third parties access to what is being safeguarded. That’s why we does not rest to innovate.